Tag Archives: turning 40

Gratitude Really Does Matter

My sister’s family has been through a lot (to say the very least) the last three years.  They have dealt with both extreme loss and extreme generosity.  In an effort to prevent an attitude of entitlement, Kari bought dozens of thank you cards and became very intentional about writing thank you notes with her children every week.  My children and I have been the blessed to receive a couple of these short notes.  For both the one extending and the one receiving, Gratitude Really Does Matter.


I mentioned Kari’s desire to guard her children from an attitude of entitlement.  An “it’s all about me because it’s my right” approach to life is altogether too common and can certainly be divisive.  It truly is the opposite of a humble, grateful spirit.

When I think of myself as just 1 of more than 7.046 billion people on Earth I find it difficult to be anything but grateful.  I truly am rich in so many ways.  You are too if you are reading this blog on a computer with access to the internet (not to mention the fact that you are probably clothed and have had something to eat and drink in the last 24 hours).

In addition to combating an attitude of entitlement, recalling and being grateful for both the large and small blessings in life causes us to be more generous.

18 years ago I found myself 6 months pregnant and newly separated after 2 years of marriage.  Despite what might have looked like a shameful situation, the women of Central Christian Church in Portales blessed me with a baby shower.  Most of the women met me for the first time at the shower and had no reason to bless me with their presence or gifts, except their desire to be the hands and feet of Christ.

8 years ago our youngest ruptured both lungs at birth.  While we had saved for the pregnancy and delivery we had not expected a flight to Lubbock and an extended stay at the NICU.  A dear friend from Victory Life Church stopped by the hospital and gave us an envelope filled with cash.  Our church body covered the 2nd co-pay and our 2 week stay at the Ronald McDonald House.

When we truly recognize and remember the many gifts we’ve been given (be it a kind act, word, or tangible something), we’re compelled to pay it forward, blessing others whenever we are able.

I’d certainly be remiss not to mention the giver of all gifts, our Heavenly Father.  He provides for our needs (Matthew 6:25-34), protects us from harm (Psalm 139:5), has adopted us (Ephesians 1:5) and has given us His name (1 John 3:1).

Today I’m grateful for so many things:

1)  Cloud cover, a quiet courtyard, coffee, Franklin’s pancakes

2)  Bailey’s graduation (friends, family, generous gifts of travel, time, and tangibles) as a culmination of the last 13 years (loving teachers, opportunities for success) and the hope of what is to come (the Lottery scholarship, outstanding music and religion faculty at ENMU)

3) Birthdays- Franklin’s 41 years on Earth, our 15 years together, and 6 special friends who helped me celebrate my 40th last night despite tornado warnings

How do you foster an attitude of gratefulness in your children?

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