Tag Archives: Me and Thee Studios

Punctuality Really Does Matter

At what point do I let him learn this lesson the hard way?  I asked myself this question at 5:45 AM this morning.  I was waiting for our eldest.  He was supposed to be at our house at 5:30.   Bailey had asked me to drive him to catch a flight and on a good day it takes two hours to get to the airport.  With 7 inches of snow several days ago, I had no idea what to expect of the roads.

About the time I pulled into his driveway he texted to say he had overslept and would be out ASAP.  When we hit the road I gave him a quick, “Hope you make your flight but if you don’t it’s your own fault” roll of the eyes.

Don’t get me wrong…  I’m frequently late to events.  I’m often late to birthday parties.  I find myself heading to Wal-Mart about the time I should be arriving at the party because I’ve procrastinated on buying a gift.  I’m occasionally late to church because I often have a hard time finding the right thing to wear, I’m having a bad hair day, or more likely my 13-year-old and I disagree about her chosen attire.  And I’m late to evening Bible studies because I’m finishing the dishes or starting a load of laundry.

I consider some start times more flexible then others.  But there are times in particular when Punctuality Really Does Matter.

running late

I think one should be on time when food is involved.  No one wants to wait for you when the food is warm and the bellies are empty.

You should also be on time when someone’s schedule is tight.  Teachers, speaking from experience, will not be able to accommodate you if you are 15 minutes late to a meeting.  They have probably squeezed you into their lunch or recess break and their schedule is anything but flexible.

I’d also recommend you not be late for your wedding or special occasions with your spouse.   Timeliness also matters for your own children’s school programs (as some are 10 minutes tops), birthday parties, and nuptials.

Not long ago I served on a District Court jury.  When the trial date came around, the defendant in the case was unbelievably late.  I’d recommend you be on time when a judge or jury is involved.

And finally, there’s very little wiggle room when you travel.  Unless you own the vehicle you’re traveling in, and particularly if you’re traveling via public transportation, the boat, bus, train, or airplane will likely not wait for you.

Unbeknownst to me, Bailey had given us an extra 30 minutes to make a Starbucks run.  While we didn’t make it to Starbucks, we didn’t miss his flight.  Lessons learned… 1) pack the night before and 2) set your alarm to something other than soothing praise and worship music.

Before you leave the site, follow my blog (top, right of this post).  It’s quick and easy! 

For more from Marea, check out Me and Thee Studios’ faith based leveled readers for 1st-2nd graders at http://www.meandtheestudios.com/early-reader-collection.html

Self Control Really Does Matter

It’s early on a quiet Saturday morning.  My husband and I have enjoyed a 2 day, mountain cabin get-away with dear friends.  I’m working on my first cup of coffee, thinking about the travel day ahead.  It’s snowed quite a bit the last 24 hours and the roads between here and home will certainly be slow going.  I’m also thinking about Trader Joe Cocoa Truffles as I eye the counter top full of snacks we’ve been grazing from.


Have you ever had a Trader Joe Cocoa Truffle?  You would know if you had.  They are smooth as butter and downright sinful.  They are just one of the many calorie packed holiday treats I’ve enjoyed in excess the last 6 weeks.

In no uncertain terms my body is screaming for a post-holiday sugar fast.  My mind knows it’s necessary but my heart hates the idea.

Generally speaking, I can stay away from “candy” but a hint of chocolate or icing requires true resolve.  I hate that it hurts, but Self Control Really Does Matter.

In reflecting on the holidays, certain situations might highlight some victories and failures in self control.  Did you set and stick to a budget for Christmas gifts? Did you continue your fitness routine and eat in moderation?  Did you continue to spend some quiet time every day with God?  Did you lose your cool when your nephew knocked your grandmother’s relish try off the wall?  Looking back over the last 6 weeks, I’ve got some self control work to do in an area or two.

It’s helpful, in my experience, to really approach the thing you’re working on with focus on the final outcome.

I turned 40 this year.  I want to be fit at 45.  I want to fit into my wedding dress for my 20 year anniversary.  At 50, I want to roll on the floor and hike with my grandchildren.

I want to be debt-free, including the mortgage, before long.  I don’t want finances to keep me from serving where God calls. I want to be able to home-school our children and volunteer my time and talents alongside my husband in ministry.

I want my extended family to be close.  I want my siblings and their families to value our relationships.  I want my nieces and nephews, as adults, to reach out and share their successes and struggles.  I want them to know that I love them and will be praying for them until my time on Earth is over.

Those end goals are important to me but they aren’t going to magically happen.  They will require self control in the present.

Let this serve as fair warning.  I’m going to be sugar-free the majority of January and February.  Proceed with caution 🙂

Before you leave the site, follow my blog (top, right of this post).  It’s quick and easy! 

For more from Marea, check out Me and Thee Studios’ faith based leveled readers for 1st-2nd graders at http://www.meandtheestudios.com/early-reader-collection.html