Two things have happened this week that have left me thinking about the role Daddies play in the lives of their children. For many more reasons than I can possibly list in less than 500 words, Daddies Really Do Matter.
My daddy was a good daddy. He told me often that he loved me and was affectionate, but he was physically ill most my life. Except for band activities, he was not an active dad and was not involved in many things outside of our home.
I took advantage of that as a teen. There were many times and situations in my life where I needed him to be physically present. More times than I care to admit, I needed him to physically stop me in my tracks, turn me around, march me to my room, and ground me for a month or two. Or ten.
As a young adult, I had to reconcile his physical absence and the mess I made of my teen years.
It was on my Walk to Emmaus that I found some peace for that deep hurt. The Lord brought a pastor named Jim Kelly to “stand in the gap”. I poured out my heart to Jim and received a Daddy’s kindness and compassion. I’m so grateful for several conversations The Lord allowed me to have with Jim including our last conversation two weeks ago today. Jim’s final, “Hey, baby girl!” will forever be in my heart.
On Monday afternoon of this week, just hours after Jim’s passing, our family took our annual fall pictures. I can’t help but tear up today when I look at the pictures of Franklin with our kids. There are no words to convey to you what kind of a daddy my husband is to our three children.
Eighteen years ago, he declared his love for me and my three-year-old son.
Three years later our daughter Emma was born. Emma will look back on her life many years from now, when she has a little more life under her belt, and realize how very blessed she is to have Franklin.
Four years after Emma’s birth, we welcomed our son Caden. From basketball in the church parking lot to a fresh water bottle every night before bed, Franklin models sacrificial love to each of our kids in very specific and beautiful ways.
Not only is his attention to our children a blessing to them, it’s HUGE to me as their mother. I’m so grateful to parent with a man who’s sold out to loving his family well.
Young men, when you father a child be the man your children deserve. Young women, when you choose a man to give your heart to, chose a man who’s willing to love hard and persevere.
Don’t wait for Father’s Day to love on the Daddies in your life. Do it today!