Monthly Archives: December 2014

A Gentle Spirit Really Does Matter

We very explicitly advertise on our signage that our leveled readers are “faith-based”.  Several of my conversations about the descriptor “faith-based” have been eye-opening.  Not long ago I was at an event and a man, a metal-works vendor, was curious about the “faith-based” nature of our collection.  The conversation that followed left me feeling shell-shocked.  I walked away convinced more than ever that A Gentle Spirit Really Does Matter.


Harold asked me, “What do you say about the animals Noah took into the ark”?  I told him that I simply say, “Noah led many animals into the ark.”  Harold was frustrated that I didn’t accurately explain the difference in Genesis 6 and 7 and the 2, male and female, versus the 7 pairs of animals.

I tried to explain that I retold the story of Noah in 78 words for children ages 4-6.  I shared that I worded our stories, laboring over every word, to make them 1) scripturally sound while being 2) readable and comprehensible by young children.

He wasn’t satisfied.  He pointed his finger in my face and quite literally growled his disgust.  He went on to question me about several other sections of scripture, and argued that simplifying The Word for children was unacceptable.

I knew arguing with him was futile.  I let him “school me” for several minutes before excusing myself for a quick coffee break.

I’m grateful for the peace and calm The Holy Spirit wrapped me in for that conversation.  Harold came back several times over the course of the 2 day event and I (only by the grace of God) was able to visit with him with a smile on my face (though I never let the topic of conversation move beyond the weather and the goodies in the vendor’s lounge).

My encounter with Harold has given me much to think about.

There is certainly a rub for believers.  We know that we are to speak Truth.  We know that we are not to be lukewarm in the gospel or in our walk with God, but an old adage comes to mind that also rings true.  No one cares how much you know ‘til they know how much you care.

I’ve walked away with a simple thought, “Lord, forgive me if I’ve ever used Your Holy Word as a battering tool to “prove” myself superior in my understanding of scripture.  If I’ve ever hurt someone in that way, and have carelessly blemished Your name, move in a mighty way to right my wrong.”

Galatians 5:23 – Gentleness and self-control.  Against such things there is no law.

Ephesians 4:2 – Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

Philippians 4:5 – Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.

Colossians 3:12 – Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

Before you leave the site, follow my blog (top, right of this post).  It’s quick and easy! 

For more from Marea, check out Me and Thee Studios’ faith based leveled readers for 1st-2nd graders at

Telling the Truth Really Does Matter

I’m an educator.  In fact, in 2 weeks I will close the book on my 19th year of instruction.  I love teaching and my current position as a pajama-wearing,  no-nonsense home schooling mommy of a 3rd and 7th grader is some of the most rewarding (albeit challenging) work I’ve ever been a part of!

On the other hand I’m not a salesman; however, I authored a collection of leveled readers that my husband and I self published in March and I find myself with 2 choices:  1) let a storage room full of books sit cold, lonely, and unused or 2) figure out sales and marketing.

The last 8 months have been on-the-job-training with regards to my sales career.  While I still have much to learn, I’m not quite a green as I was at my first home school convention in April 2014.  In particular, I’ve learned much about myself as a salesman and customers in general.

While I’ve not been in this business long enough to make many valid generalizations I can tell you that Telling the Truth Really Does Matter.


My product is very much a niche product.  While our collection is beautiful, unique, and powerful for young children, it’s meant for a very limited audience.  If you don’t have a pre-school child who’s beginning to work on early literacy skills or a K-early 2nd grade reader, you probably won’t be interested in talking to me.  I’ve learned not to waste time (mine or a customer’s) giving my spiel to a mom with 5 teenagers.

In addition, my collection is faith-based.  If you don’t believe that The Bible is God’s Holy Word, this collection is not something you will purchase for your child (although I pray you’re given it as a gift and that your child loves these stories and begs to read them daily).

Not only have I truly internalized the benefits of honestly representing my product upfront, I’ve learned the importance of telling the truth as a customer on the other end of a sale.  A telling example happened just last week.

I asked a middle-aged woman walking past my booth if she had young children, 4, 5, 6 or 7 years old, in her life.   She looked at me with a smile and said, “I bought those books in California last year,” and kept walking.

Honestly, I would have preferred for her to have told me the truth, saying “I’m not interested,” than to have lied.  I know she was lying because the books have only been available for 8 months, I’ve personally done all the sales and marketing for the books, and I’ve not been further West with my collection than Denver and Albuquerque.

Seeing people lie so effortlessly has really been heart-breaking.  I’ve had to guard my heart from becoming skeptical of others, but more painful than that, it’s been convicting for me.

I can think of examples in my own life when I’ve very carelessly given a “white-lie” kind of a response, thinking it was easier than an honest answer might have been.    Have people seen through me as easily as I saw through this woman?  Have I ruined my testimony through the years with my careless words?  Have people thought less of “Christians” and Christ because of my “fibs” or “half-truths”?

Lord, help us speak genuinely and honestly in our conversations with others.  Keep us humble and grant us wisdom in our words that as we speak, our words are measured and are found to be accurate.  I pray that our conversations bring You nothing but joy and the glory You so rightly deserve!  Amen

Before you leave the site, follow my blog (top, right of this post).  It’s quick and easy! 

For more from Marea, check out Me and Thee Studios’ faith based leveled readers for 1st-2nd graders at